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Master boot record by Microsoft

The are created by the FDISK is Master Boot Record(MBR) and FORMAT command creates DOS Boot Record (DBR), FAT area, Root Directory area and the empty data area. The MBR contains a small program to load and start the active/bootable partition from the HDD. This area also contains information about all four primary partitions on the HDD, their starting sector, ending sector, size etc in a partition table record.

The Master Boot Record created on the HDD by executing FDISK.EXE. The master table is always located at the cylinder 0, head 0, sector 1 and the extended partition boot sector are located at the beginning of each extended partition volume.

Auto configuration type HDD uses the MBR for storing configuration information such as the number of cylinder, head, sectors and to store information about the bad area on the hard disk drive.

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