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Singly Linked List: Creating and displaying multiple nodes

Singly linked list is a dynamically allocated list, which consists of one or more nodes. Each node contains a pointer which holds the address of the next node and an a data field, which holds the data of each node. Although singly linked list is used for saving space, it is quite complicated to implement and when it comes to inserting various nodes in the list it become even more complex.

In order to insert various nodes in the list, we are going to need two pointers. On of them should be loaded with the address of the first node, which should not be touched or manipulated. The other pointer should be used to traverse through the list for the perpous of inserting more than one node.

Displaying a singly linked list is quite simple as compared to inserting them. Here we will also need two pointer for the exact same perpous as of the insertion and a simple loop to traverse through each and every node while displaying the data.

Here is a video tutorial which explains the process of creating and displaying the nodes:

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Administrador de ENGGDRCAOS. Canal dedicado especialmente a la formación del estudiante que aspira a ser ingeniero. Todos los videos son Ingles. Apasionado del universo Apple, estudiante de Ingeniería y Gamer por vocación.




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