The 8086 Processor is divided into two parts: Execution Unit and the Bus interface unit.
- Functions of Execution Unit
- Control system inside the execution unit controls all internal and external operations by sending control signals. This results in fetching Instructions and Data from memory.
- It decodes and executes instructions fetched by Bus-Interface Unit.
- Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
- The 16-bit ALU performing arithmetic operations and logical operations on 16-bit data operand.
- The ALU is capable of performing operations on 8-bit as well as 16-bit data operand.
- There are general-purpose register file in EU.
- General Purpose registers
- AX, BX, CX, DX, SP, BP, SI and DI are the general purpose registers in Execution Unit.
- All registers are 16-bit long. The AX, BX, CX and DX can be used in bytes as AH, AL, BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, and DL to hold 8-bit data.
- The AX register is an accumulator, the BX register hold address, the CX hold the count and DX holds data as well as IO address fro certain instructions.
- The SP- stack pointer, BP – base pointer, SI- source index and DI – destination index.
En este articulo:ALU,BIU,bus interface unit,decoding instructions,executing instruction,execution unit,fetching instructions,instruction queue,intel 8086,registers in 8086
Escrito por
Krish Advani
Administrador de ENGGDRCAOS. Canal dedicado especialmente a la formación del estudiante que aspira a ser ingeniero. Todos los videos son Ingles. Apasionado del universo Apple, estudiante de Ingeniería y Gamer por vocación.